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Autorzy proszeni są o sprawdzenie czy tekst spełnia poniższe kryteria. Teksty, które nie spełniają wymagań redakcyjnych mogą zostać odrzucone.
  • Zgłoszenie nie było jeszcze publikowane, ani nie zostało wysłane do innego czasopisma (lub odpowiednie wyjaśnienie zostało zawarte w sekcji komentarzy dla redaktora).
  • Plik zgłoszenia zapisane jest w formacie zapisu OpenOffice, Microsoft Word lub RTF.
  • Jeżeli są dostępne, dostarczono URL odnośników.
  • Tekst jest zapisany pojedynczymi spacjami, czcionką 12 punktów, zawiera kursywę zamiast podkreślników (wyjąwszy adresy URL); ilustracje, wykresy i tabele zostały wklejone we właściwe miejsca.
  • Tekst przestrzega wymogów stylistycznych i bibliograficznych wyznaczonych we Wskazówkach dla autora.

Papers accepted in the Advances of agricultural sciences problem issues
should reveal substantial novelty and include thoughtful physical, biological and chemical interpretation and accurate description of the methods used.
All manuscripts are initially checked on topic suitability and linguistic quality.
The journal publishes (after reviews):
the original research papers (max 12 pages),
the review articles (survey publications),
the short communications (notes) (max 8 pages).

Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original.
A conflict of interest (understood as contractual relations, financial associations or other relationships that could influence the content of the article) should be declared by authors in a form of a written statement submitted with the article. Such a statement should, accordingly, either list all potential interests or express clearly that there are none.

A letter to the Editor with a declaration that the article is not being considered for publication elsewhere is needed. The following information should be included. What is the novelty of this work? Is the paper appealing to a popular or scientific audience? Why do the authors think the paper is important and why should the journal publish it? Has the article been checked by a native tongue speaker with expertise in the field? Are you available as a reviewer for at least two other articles for Advances of agricultural sciences problem issues?

Written permissions for reproduction of figures and tables from unpublished or copyrighted materials are needed.
Authors are asked to transfer copyright of their articles to the Publisher.
In order to transfer copyright please download License to Publish, fill in and sign the form and then submit it with manuscript.
The review process in the journal is the Blind Peer Review.
Please submit the names of three potential Reviewers (with postal and e-mail address). The Reviewers should be come from a different country than the Authors’.
Please submit your article via the online system available at:

Manuscript should be clearly and grammatically written in a English (British). This will help avoid severe misunderstandings which might lead to rejection of the paper.
Papers should be prepared in the format of popular Windows text editors (TNR, 12points, 1.5 inter-line, 2.5 cm margins).
Every page of the paper, including the title page, text, references, tables and figures should be numbered.
SI units should be used.


Manuscript should be organized in the following order (without subtitles):
Author(s) name(s) Affiliations Full postal addresses Corresponding author e-mail Abstract (up to 200 words)
Keywords (up to 5 words)
Materials and Methods
Conclusions (numbered)
Figures and their captions