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Małgorzata Strzelczyk
Magdalena Chudy


Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is one of the plants that have accompanied mankind for thousands of years. Fiber hemp belongs to the group of useful plants whose large yields of biomass can be used in a variety of ways. The enormous potential of this plant is used in almost every industry sector: from pulp and paper industry to light industry (clothing, textiles) as well as in other manufacturing branches which include toys, flower pots, disinfecting mats and even funeral urns. Hemp is characterized by high plasticity and resistance to changing agro-climatic factors, thanks to which extreme weather conditions are not an obstacle to its cultivation. However, similarly to other species, the final yield is contingent on the interaction of several important factors. Hemp variety, sowing density, harvest time and fertilization are relevant factors which have a bearing on shaping hemp’s biomass. The influence of weather conditions on the yield of biomass and the content of cannabinoids is not to be underestimated either. Poland has a long-standing tradition of growing and processing hemp. The nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century turned out to be extremely successful for hemp, because its cultivation was widespread almost all over Poland. In the 1920s and 1930s, the hemp acreage was about 29,000 ha. The cultivation of industrial hemp in our country is subject to strict legal restrictions formulated in the Act of July 29, 2005 on Counteracting Drug Addiction (with further amendments). Nevertheless, interest in this fascinating plant is growing.

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Strzelczyk, M. ., & Chudy, M. (2021). WEATHER FACTORS AND BASIC NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CULTIVATION OF INDUSTRIAL HEMP ( Cannabis sativa L.). Zeszyty Problemowe Postępów Nauk Rolniczych, (601), 37–48.

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